Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Think happy thoughts

"All of life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there."

I found this quote very fitting for the mood I was in today and have been in the past couple days. I haven't been very positive lately and I'm noticing how that is affecting my out look on things.  I have a bad habit of only talking negatively about my performance after a workout. I was talking to Katy last week and she brought the point that you should always say something positive first.  I'm certainly going to give that a try from now on.

I started keeping track of my calories today. I'm actually really looking forward to dialing my diet in. It will be much easier to fix things knowing how much I am taking in each day.  I have two competitions coming up next month and I really need to get my diet dialed in so my performance is at it's best! happy eating!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chuggin Along

The second week is always the hardest for me. I start off so good and then before I know it I want to go right back to my old ways. I'm not very patient, so I get frustrated when I dont see results immediatly. I get tired of eating meat and veggies every meal. This past weekend was my birthday and I went crazy on eating and drinking the whole weekend, leaving me feeling like a bloated mess. Although I look forward to cheat meals on the weekend I have a really hard time giving them up once Monday comes around.  I realize how important it is to cut that crap out, but it's hard when it tastes so delicious.  On a more positive note, I did really feel better the days leading up to my epic cheat weekend:). i have decided to compete in the NLI series this year. I hoping this will help me really get dialed in( if I had a nickel for everytime I said that...)Back on track this week and looking foreward to the results.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I should be sleeping....

For some reason I have the hardest time writing blogs. I know it's partially because I hate writing, but, I find myself thinking of all these things to write about during the day and when it comes to actually writing it, I have instant writers block. Annoying!! I guess I need to start carrying a notebook with me. I will try to be a better blogger now that Will blasted me on the Karma page:).

My eating hasnt been as great this week as I would like it to but I do notice a difference in the way I feel. I dont feel as puffy and bloated as usual. This weekend will be challenging since it's my birthday and I am eating cake:). I am going to try and not go way off the deep end and eat everything in site.

This week has been extra tough since I am extremely unhappy with my job, which causes stress and makes me want to eat a giant chocolate cake and a cheeseburger all at once.  Trying to keep healthier options as my desk so I don't go crazy!

Some goals for next week:

1.Eat more and start keeping track of my calories.
2. Getting in the gym and working on my goats. I have been slacking big time.
3.  Write more blogs!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1

Week one started out great. I started noticing a difference towards the end of the week. Eating better=feeling better. This weekend I realized that I don't eat enough, especially on the weekends. I find that when I'm at work I have a routine and I eat out of boredom. I thought I was doing well and eating enough food. but looking at my food log for the past week I realized I'm not eating nearly enough food. I barely ate any food over the weekend and think that is what caused me to feel so crappy today.  Goal for this week, eat more food and have extra food prepared for the weekend!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Starting Measurements

Had measurements done today, thanks to Will. Not a big fan of having some one else pinch my fat.

Shoulders: 44
Chest: 36
Waist: 30.5
Hip:  42.5
Biceps: 12.5
Thigh 1: 25.75
Thigh 2: 18
Calf: 15

Really 42.5 hips?!!

Day 5

I'm a little late on starting my blog.....better late than never. Anyway, I started this blog to keep track of my progress for the next 6 months. I'm hoping to see some big changes. Here is a recap of the start of the challenge.

Day 1:  Went well, cleaned out the fridge and cabinets getting rid of any crap left over from the holidays. Cooked a good amount of food to last me a few lunches for the week.

Day 2: Not too shabby. Still having small amounts of sugar in my coffee hoping to cut that out next week if not sooner

Day 3: Realizing that I'm not eating enough and need to bring more foods to snack on. Going to try and cut out excess fruit and eat more veggies and fat.

Day 4: Starting to feel over all better. (Maybe I'm imagining it since it has only been 4 days:).